Ledia Bregu has 14 years of experience working for the Bank of Albania. Her career path with the regulator started with the position of Internal Auditor, advancing to her current position of the Director of Payment Systems, Accounting and Finance Department. She has been spearheading the country’s National Retail Payment Strategy, as well as efforts of Albania to join SEPA. – short
With details:
Ledia Bregu is Director of Payments, Accounting and Finance Department at Bank of Albania (BoA) focusing on licensing, oversight and operation of payment systems as well as leading national financial inclusion policies from the payments perspective. After a brief experience as a valuator of private investment funds at SGSS France she joined the BoA’s Internal Audit Department, where she contributed in strengthening the Bank’s internal control system, and leaded among many others the ORM and BCM implementations for the Bank. In recent years, she has been spearheading the country’s National Retail Payment Strategy, as well as efforts of Albania to join SEPA, marking the first country in the region to apply for SEPA geographical scope accession. Financial inclusion in Albania has reached 78% from 39%, while electronic payments have reached 21 payments per year from 4.3. Under her leadership, in 2022, a new system for settling euro payments domestically was implemented in Albania, reducing fees 5 times, and saving to the economy 47 million euros in only 2 years of operation.